Fatigue360 Workforce App
Today we're launching an update to the companion app for Fatigue360 - now renamed to the Fatigue360 Workforce App. The renaming should make it easier for Users to find it within the App Stores.
Underneath it remains largely the same App; allowing the workforce to view their upcoming shifts, sign in and out with ease, and respond to shift requests all in one place. When enabled, they can receive real-time alerts for your upcoming shifts, know when it’s time to start or finish, and stay compliant with on-site and door-to-door rules.
This isn't just an update to the name though - we have though made some changes based on feature requests and other feedback we've received.
Fatigue & Risk Indexes
You can now choose to share the Fatigue & Risk Indexes with your Staff (via a Setting in Fatigue360 available to Admin users).
Sharing these indexes with individual can empower them to manage their own well-being by recognising when they are likely to be at higher risk of fatigue, allowing them to take proactive measures. This transparency can also enhance engagement and trust as they will see this as a commitment to their safety and health.
Purchase Order
You can now choose to show the Purchase Order for the Shift within the App (via a Setting in Fatigue360 available to Admin users). This can be helpful if they require this for any timesheet they might need to sign whilst out on site, and means it doesn't need to be shared with them via other means such as email or SMS.
Uploaded Media
Media uploaded to the Shift (Risk Assessments, Briefings etc.) can now be shown the to User (via a Setting in Fatigue360 available to Admin users) and will require them to acknowledge they have read / are aware of the files before they can sign in. This can be helpful if there are documents you want the User to be aware of before they sign in and can show your commitment to their safety.
Manager Signing In / Out of Others
We're adding new functionality to the app that will enable a 'Manager' User to sign in and out other members of the workforce involved in the Event simultaneously.
This feature will require the User to have a Manager License and once signed in, they will have access to view the rest of the workforce who are expected to be on-site and can sign them in and out, while also capturing postcodes and travel times.
This approach offers a different means of capturing actuals, with specific individuals being responsible for the capture rather than relying on each individual to remember to sign themselves in/out. If you are interested in finding out more, contact sales@westonanalytics.com