January & February 2025: Release Notes
- Client-Side Libraries Updated: We have updated our client-side libraries to the latest stable versions, enhancing overall performance, security, and reliability.
- Leave Types: updated to include toggles to control whether they are leave types that Staff can request via the App, and types they can cancel.
- New Notification types added for Users to receive notification when a Staff member requests or cancels leave.
- New Staff Toggle added to control whether they can request leave via the Fatigue360 Workforce App.
- Accommodation updated to allow the specific client/area and the amount being paid by that client.
- A select all option has been added to the Event Copy screen to select items such as Shifts, Staff, statuses etc.
- New Planned - Without Actuals report added to show the planned shifts that do not have an actual in the system.
- New Export added to show if User has used either the Fatigue360 App or the MacRail Worksite App within a selected date range.
Client Enhancements
- Real Time Dashboard updated to include an option to export the data out into an Excel format.
- A P Webb Timesheet Export added to the system to export data in the required format.
- MacRail Finance report updated to include line items regarding Accommodation and the client charge.
- Added SkillKo Integration to pull in profiles and certificates to Fatigue360 Staff and Competencies.
- Updated ASite Integration to set Event Areas from the Location Field.
- Updated Syrinx integration to set working time directive default when new Staff records are created.
Bug Fixes
- Where the Supplier Requested At field wasn't being populated when a Supplier was sent an Event Request.
- Where where the actual finish field could get stuck when filling in actuals using the table view.
- With client side clause calculation where the overlapping time for a night shift would be incorrectly calculated.
- Where Travel Shifts were being saved it would return the error 'Unknown Role'.
Fatigue360 Workforce App
- Users can request leave (of allowed types) via the App (v4.6.4).
- Client-Side Libraries Updated: We have updated our client-side libraries to the latest stable versions, enhancing overall performance, security, and reliability.
- Event Documents have been migrated into media system allowing better control over the files uploaded via the Event Homepage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with the card search autocomplete where numbers with certain characters could cause it to not show any results.
MacRail System
- Added new Self-Enrol option for Inductions by having the User scan a QR code for that Induction. The User will be required to fill out their details and complete an assessment before gaining the Induction and being able to upload an image to be used by Facial Recognition cameras.
- Updated Key Personnel On-Site Now to show those with a valid Fire Warden Competency, the corresponding filter on the Register will now also show these individuals.
- Added Event Only Inductions allowing an Induction to be applied specifically to one Event.
- Updated the Profile Picture upload via the profile or the new Self Enrol option to allow the User to set the part of the photo to be used for their profile picture.
- Error message for No Postcode for Last Place of Rest need to be updated.
- Improvements to loading time of the Event Jump List.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where orientation of biometric image would be incorrect where it was generated from an uploaded photo.
- Fixed a bug where the client number would not be applied to the person's induction.
Bug Fixes
- Released version v1.4.1 of the Obstruction Notices App to address duplicate labour/container records being submitted.
Organisation Administration
- Forms for various items updated with new styling, and floating footer with save button to avoid having to scroll on longer forms to save.