a year ago
June 2023: Release Notes
New Features and Enhancements
- Added option to change what shifts are shown on the Staff Timeline, either the Planned (default and as before) or to include actual where captured.
- On a long Event (e.g. that runs for several months) the time taken to load the Staff list (via the Staff sidebar) has been reduced by limiting the window auxiliary data is loaded for.
- Added Actual Shift Issues to the dashboard to show the number of issues (e.g., On-Site, Door to Door, High Fatigue Index) for Actual Shifts. This will be displayed provided there were actuals captured in the selected timespan.
- Shift issues on Supplier shifts are now displayed on the Shift Issues wheel and can be drilled down in the same way.
- Improved the performance of updating an Actual Shift
- On saving an Event – if the error was off screen – the page will now scroll to that point to show the user what the issue was.
- Staff Charts updated to show the Week Number / Start of Week on the x-axis.
- Added restriction to the default Shift importers to prevent shifts over 48 hours long from being imported.
- MacRail Pre-Pop Export option was added under the Exports on the Shift Timeline to export Sentinel shifts for use in the MacRail system.
- Custom Rejection Reasons can now be added via the Organisation Dashboard
Bug Fixes
- Rest before wouldn’t reset if the shift was now chronologically the Staff Member’s first but previously wasn’t.
- Updating Accommodation status from to cancelled would occasionally not update corresponding shifts.
- Actual Importer could crash if an invalid date was uploaded.
- Events wouldn't be imported if missing the sub-type.
- When Staff would update their Actual time in/out via the Workforce App, the original time left rest/time arrive at rest would remain resulting in time clashes.
- Fixed display issue with Event Requirements for an Event Request that would remove carriage returns.