Staff Member Fatigue/Risk/Clause Charts
We have launched this new screen to Fatigue360 displaying 4 charts detailing a Staff Member's shift pattern, fatigue/risk index, and the number of clause breaches. Viewing this data this way makes it possible to see the impact of their shift pattern over a longer period of time.
The charts are designed to work together, so you can zoom in on one and the others will do the same, allowing you to analyse a specific time period across all charts (e.g., view the shifts worked, in relation to a rise in the Fatigue or Risk index). Each chart can be downloaded as an image to save offline for your reporting/analysis needs.
With these charts it becomes clear how the Fatigue and Risk Index can increase the more (consecutive) shifts someone works. Along with the benefit of them having a day's rest or leave in reducing the indexes.
To view these charts for one of your Staff Members you will need to go to their timeline and then click on the new 'View Charts' button on the right-hand side. The Staff Timeline is accessible, either via an option on the Staff page, clicking on a Staff Member's name when viewing shifts on an Event, or when viewing/editing Staff details.
If you aren't sure how to do this, contact us via the helpdesk: